Hello Thomas,

KV>> It  is reproducible. It is a reason, that me and many other users
KV>> kick  off  TB/Voyager.  Once, after like 5 days use of Voyager, I
KV>> took a quick shower, Voyager still did not shut down. It took ca.
KV>> 10  min  to  shut  it  down. So, I am seeking for support to push
KV>> Ritlabs  to find out the cause of this error, or give us an alpha
KV>> version,  that  has -temporary- extensive logging when saving the
KV>> addrbook.ini/eni files, so we can track down the error.
> I confirm Voyager takes a long time to shut down. I don't know which
> file  it  is  writing, but I see that the LED on the USB stick shows
> there  is  activity  all the time. When the LED stops, I can "safely
> remove  hardware".  I  always  attributed the long delay to the slow
> speed of the USB stick, but if it can be improved, I'm all for it.

I am using Voyager from my hard drive. It is not a USB stick issue.

The Bat 3.99.6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Szervizcsomag 2

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