Hello Peter,

Monday, February 4, 2008, 11:24:54 PM, you wrote:

PH> with the cursor positioned at "t" of "test" results in

PH>   "Some       text"

PH>   after <ctrl>+del.

PH>   I'd expect "Some text" instead.

Not being a regular user of this key-combination, I do not know what this
usually does.

I can only say that, over here, using <ctrl> + del twice results in what you
expected with a single use.

Best Wishes,
using The Bat! Version (BETA) with
MyMacros 1.11a

zOmbie's Macros Version 0.7 
Windows 2000 Professional/5.0 build 2195 Service Pack 4 (0 days 4:11:35) on
Uno AMD Duron

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