Hello Eugene,

>>> Well a new gui is extraordinary enough ;-)
MM>> The new GUI is already in 4.0.
> I  feel  confused.  The  only noticeable difference I can see is the
> gradient  bars in the header pane. Anyway, I turned them off cause I
> dislike  gradients.  After  that  my looks very similar to
> 3.99. Almost.
> I suppose everyone is interested in Artem Gorbunov's interface for the
> fourth version of The bat!. If it's already in 4.0, how can we turn it
> on?
> "See also" links:
> 1.
> http://www.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fartgorbunov.ru%2Fportfolio%2Fthebat%2F&langpair=ru%7Cen&hl=en&ie=UTF8

- Address history
- Gradient
- Strange buttons

This  is  what I see on this webpage. The first two are included (plus
viewer  profiles,  new  status bar, new icons in menus), and I am glad
that  those  strange  buttons  are  not. (However, with some skinning,
those button could be implemented.)

It  was  not said that it will be _radically_ new. What is the problem
with this one?

The Bat (BETA) on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Szervizcsomag 2

 Current beta is 4.0.7 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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