> Hi Batties, 

> Given the pcwise/thebat website is broken and no one is available
> (or knows) how to fix the disfunction, is there an alternate way to
> get ones photo in the gallery?  I have sent my photo to the help
> address indicated in the "create new ID" screen but got no response.
> Is this a dead end and only the photos that are there now are the
> ones that can be displayed??  Seems a shame, it is a nice feature to have.  :(

It might be time for Ritlabs to consider an alternative.

Republican tax cuts for large corporations: 
 Remember them the next time you see a CEO with hundreds of million$ in their 
"golden parachute"
 All that money came from somewhere.

v4.0.11 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 2


 Current beta is 4.0.11 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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