[Reply to: »Paul Van Noord« · 2008-02-24 · 22:42 h (CET)]

Hello, Paul!

>> Because it is *inconsistent*: Either auto-wrap is enabled and *all*
>> text — manually typed or pasted — will cause an automatic line
>> break or it is disabled and no text will wrapped at all.

> It may be inappropriate to reformat pasted text. Especially when
> someone is attempting to convey a graphic as text. When I paste and
> want to reformat I automatically go [ALT][L]. If I am slow it takes
> 1/2 second to do it.

Yes, that's how I have handled it for 7 years, but with 4.0.x.x a bug

     (Title: Problem with [alt]+[L] in MicroEd)

The/My main problem is Step 2[*] of the bug description, but this
looong discussion already started with Step 1 and ended in a
closed/unresolved issue and this thread.

*) "I have a problem with MicroEd when I paste unformatted text: […]

   2. After [alt]+[L] the line breaks are okay, but beginning of the
      lines are not visible and a useless horizontal scrollbar
      occurs. […]"

I think, I am going round in circles in this matter. ;-)

Good night!

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