> 4/1/2008  8:20 PM

> Hi Rick,

> On 4/1/2008 Rick wrote:

R>> The Cursor macro is not a big deal for me but I am reporting it as not
R>> working in a folder template

> WAD since version 1. Thankfully it doesn't work as you wish because it
> is illogical. New messages appropriately work similarly. Until a
> message is assigned to a recipient it is worthless.

WAD is fine. Roelof's explanation was fine. I thought I found
something. I did not. Your explanations make sense

Thanks to both of you

Republican Tax Cuts for the wealthy
Look where it has got us so far!
Lets do it some more!

v4.0.20 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 2


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