>>> has anyone tried to create a new filter in the latest Voyager?
>>> I find my new filter being processed according to the account log,
>>> but the indicated action is not performed.
V>> Specify the filter for us, please.
> It is supposed to move mails from senders who belong to a certain
> address book group to Trash.
> $$$$ TB! Message Filter $$$$
> beginFilter
> UID: [9A4005F0.01C5A25E.1418485C.10AD1BCE]
> Name: trash
> Filter: {\0D\0A\20`12`Trash`0`0\0D\0A}
> MoveMessage folder \5C\5Clists.com\5CTrash
> IsActive
> Ignore
> endFilter

Tested at home in Manual mode (Active and Manual only was checked), it

So, not confirmed.

Try to use "lists" instead of "lists.com" and see if it works or not.

Ahhhh, just came to my mind one more thing: if the messages.tbb is 2
GB in your Trash folder on the HDD, it cannot move messages there...


 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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