Hello Peter, and also to Jon, Hendrik and Jens,

RP>> On  clicking  on  an  HTML attachment, and then clicking to get the 
RP>> application (Opera) to open it, I got the AV in the attached .gif file.

RP>> Has anyone else had this problem?

Thanks  to all of you for replying. 

I  tried using Opera, Firefox and IE with the same kind of AV every time and
after much research with different versions of TB concluded that the problem
was not really related to TB.

When  I tried opening an HTML file from 'My Documents' a window popped up to
say  that "No application assigned to this type of file", even though it had
an  Opera  icon  attached! I then went through the usual procedure to assign
Opera  as the application "To always be used to open files of this type" and
voilĂ , the TB AV problem has disappeared.

Thanks again for your replies.

Best regards,
The Bat! v4.0.20.2 POP3  with AntiSpamSniper,
on Windows XP, version 5 1, build 2600 and Service Pack 2                       

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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