> Hello Robert,

> On Fri, 15 Aug 2008 13:19:13 +0200 GMT (15/08/2008, 18:19 +0700 GMT),
> Robert van der Hulst wrote:

>>>> Cannot confirm this. Click on the header of the folderlist to undo the
>>>> sorting (until the arrows disappear). 

>>> Please go re-read the Bug Report at
>>> https://www.ritlabs.com/bt/view.php?id=6632 --- specifically, the
>>> numerous comments which have been left by others since you initially
>>> made the report. I am by no means the only tester who has been
>>> repeatedly bringing this bug to the programmers' attention.

RvdH>> Ok. Now I see what you mean.

RvdH>> I am using the smartspace feature to mark messages as read. When you
RvdH>> use that and mark the last message in a folder as read, then the focus
RvdH>> goes to the correct next folder in the list, even though the folder
RvdH>> with no unread messages goes to the bottom of the list.

> I see why this is not a problem for you. However, it is serious enough
> for me (and others) to stay with 3.99.x in the office, hence a
> show-stopper.

It is a major problem. I was reading with the smart space. Last
message in the top (unread) folder which moved to the bottom. It
should stay on the top until you leave the view otherwise it is not
very useful at all

McCain: The 3rd Bush Term. Don't be fooled again!!!

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