am Mittwoch, 3. September 2008 um 18:52 schrieb Roelof Otten:

JF>> if i do some searches in Message List, after some (in my case 4-5) i
JF>> get:

> What searches? With the quick search bar?

Yes, with the Search Field in the Toolbar above.

JF>> And the Tabs under the Message List disappear, the Error pops up again
JF>> and again and i have to close the Bat very quick between two Errors.

> However, I don't have the message list tabs enabled. So I cleared my
> view between searches with Ctrl+=, don't know what you did.

I have the All/Threads/Unread/Flagged as Default under the Message List
and the Searches appear as new Tabs there.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Jens Franik
Picture of me? X-Rogue
The Bat! & AntiSpamSniper
Windows 2000 5.0
build 2195 Service Pack 4

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