> In  the setup of the Backup: Is the a possibility to give a relative
> path where to store the backup files? As far as I see there can only
> be  an  absolute path. Would be nice when Voyager could support this
> feature - my USB external Harddrive with Voyager is not connected to
> the  same  PC all the time. On this PC Voyager is under F:\ - on the
> other under H:\ and IMHO it makes no sense to store the backup files
> on drive C:\

It makes no sense to backup something to the same drive... 

Even  if  you are afraid that Voyager itself dies. Then make a copy of
the   Voyager   dir  instead  of  using  the  internal,  undocumented,
(unfortunately) sometimes failing backup/restore feature.

The Bat on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Szervizcsomag 2

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