Hello Thomas,

>>>>> I don't want any red windows. I'm not user v1.0, the log is enough.
DE>>>> Sorry you are wrong here.
>>> Interesting. I checked again and I still don't want any red windows.
KV>> Unfortunately, it is not about you.
> No, it's about Gmail's non-standard behaviour. This is a non-issue for
> most people.

No, you are wrong. It is about LETTING THE USER KNOW if there is an 
error in receiving mails.

KV>> I am sure, that your majesty reads all programs' manual, all fineprint
KV>> of  the  credit  cards and medicines.
> No need to be sarcastic. It won't help the discussion and development
> of ideas.

Why, being selfish does?

KV>> The same applies here. You can be suspicious. I dont want to be. I and
KV>> the other 99.9% of the users of TB want to be notified about problems.
KV>> (I  know,  believe  me, shit falls down to me and I believe, to Marek,
KV>> too,  if TB has a glitch. Glitch: for example unfixed bugs in the last
KV>> version  of  TB,  that  had C/S support.) And want to know how to deal
KV>> with it.
> We are not talking about a glitch or bug in TB!. TB! is WAD. The
> discussion is about whether the design needs to be changed in order to
> cater to one non-standard email provider. I say no, you say yes. Fine.

Thomas: please read again the thread. Read your mails. It is not about
GMail  anymore.  It  is  about  IF  THE MAILS ARE NOT IMPORTED FOR ANY
REASON, the log is not enough.

>>>>> Please don't let TB! go the way for the stupidest user imaginable.
KV>> Unfortunately,  TB is a commercial product. It HAS TO BE PREPARED
KV>> for  everybody,  including the "stupidest" user. Dont forget: you
KV>> can  be  a  stupidest  user  of  ...  e.g.  a  car, a chemical, a
KV>> prescription drug, etc.
> Not everybody lives in a country where "this product may be hot" has
> to be printed on a hot coffee cup in big red letters.

Who you are talking about?

What I talk about: nobody is expert in everything. Not everybody wants
to  know  how everything works. E.g. I know how caffeine works in your
body.  You  just  drink the coffee. I bet, you did not know that it is
its metabolite that responsible for its effect, right? (Dont Google it
now.) I am a chemist, you are not. We are different.

DE>>>> What  if  you  have  gone  away from your computer for a cup of
DE>>>> coffee.  A  message of two could not be saved because of space.
DE>>>> Then because of a process that you are running e.g. a clean up,
DE>>>> space  becomes  available  it can then download the next set of
DE>>>> messages.
>>> Then the message will be downloaded whne the space is available. It is
KV>> Aha.  Say  an  important message cannot be downloaded because of this.
KV>> And you agree with this. Interesting business attitude...
> If there is no space in your harddisk, you will have other problems.
> And,  if  it happens so regularly that you need your email client to
> tell you, you should review your policies with regards to disk space
> usage.

Shit  man, try to understand that NOT EVERYBODY wants to be an expert.
Am I vulgar now? Yes. I deal with users of TB every day. And this kind 
of "small" issues will kill TB on the long run.

KV>> Dont  forget: TB is used by corporate users. TB is a business tool for
KV>> them. Not glitches allowed. Or if recognized, must be fixed.
> Correct, but there is no glitch here.

Ok, then something that can be improved on. Easily.

>>> only on Gmail that this doesn't work, so don't use Gmail.Don't give me
>>> red windows for all my accounts just because of Gmail's non-standard
>>> behaviour.
KV>> We moved over GMail a long time ago. This conversation is about failed
KV>> import of messages FOR ANY REASON.
> The  reason is Gmail... If a message is not imported, why does Gmail
> prevent  a  second  download  attempt?  I  suggest  to  change email
> provider, as TB! already re-downloads by default. Only Gmail doesn't
> let it.

BUT: the user should know about if the mail download is UNSUCCESSFUL 
for any reason.

DE>>>> In  this case the warning would have gone past in the status bar,
DE>>>> you would not have noticed.
>>> I  don't want to, because TB! attempts to downlaod the message again
>>> until it has been successfully imported into the message base.
KV>> Nonsense...
> Really? You seem to know about the inner workings of TB! than Stefan,
> who said the same - and it is my experience also. Yes, I've been in
> the situation that one or more mails couldn't be imported, no problem:
> TB! downloaded them again next time. Of course, I don't use Gmail.

I  used  the word "nonsense" for that it is acceptable for you to wait
until  a  mail  can be downloaded. What if it cannot be downloaded for

DE>>>> And you call this a 'stupid' user.
DE>>>> I would like a warning box with some detail, if necessary it can
DE>>>> be switched off for the 'intelligent' users.
>>> Turn it off by default. 
KV>> No. Hardwire it in.
> Just in case somebody uses Gmail... Nice suggestion.

If  I  would  read  this  conversation  to  my 5 year olds, they would
understand that IT IS NOT ABOUT GMAIL... Should I spell it?


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