The Bat! (ALPHA) is available at

What's new in since
[-] NTLM authentication didn't work
[-] (#0007339) Window state is always Maximized when starting with /minimize 
and restoring from tray 
[-] (#0007303) Size and position of Account properties dialog is not saved 
[*] Better interface for adding multiple senders/recipients to address book
[-] (Beta) it was not possible to restore from a backup archive properly upon 
[-] (#0006329) Message list tabs were not restored from backup 
[-] Message list tabs captions didn't change on when the language of The Bat! 
interface was changed.
[-] (#0002495) Inconsistency when navigating between tabs using a keyboard 
[-] (#0001104) Account is not selected, if the user logs as a different The 
Bat! account
[-] (#0003362) The password of an account-group cannot be removed 
[-] (#0005874) Tabs could be too narrow, e.g. the "All" tab in the folder tree 
and the message list.

 Current beta is (ALPHA) | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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