
Please see the attached images. The first contain the original contact and the
second the copied contact.

This doesn't happed with CTRL drag and drop (the contact is copied without any

The problem maybe lays where TB tries to import the clipboard. These are the
contents of the clipboard when I copy this contact

This problem exists also in

$$$ LDIF Clipboard format $$$
dn: cn=Γεώργιος Μενεγάκης,mail=menega...@gmail.com
cn:: zpPOtc+Oz4HOs865zr/PgiDOnM61zr3Otc6zzqzOus63z4I=
mail: menega...@gmail.com
modifyTimeStamp: 20081213T185545Z
givenName:: zpPOtc+Oz4HOs865zr/Pgg==
initials:: zpzOtc69zrXOs86szrrOt8+C
gender: male
comment:: DQo=
xbatTemplateOptions: -----
xbatCharset: windows-1253
objectclass: top
objectclass: person

I also created an entry at the BT at https://www.ritlabs.com/bt/view.php?id=7395
George M. Menegakis
Using The Bat v4.0.39.38 (BETA) on Windows XP Service Pack 3

<<attachment: Original Concact.png>>

<<attachment: Copied Contact.png>>

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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