Hi Christian,

>> Why the HELL do you guys think i should pay for an upgrade to 4.x when
>> not  even  half  the  bugs  have  been  fixed from 3.x?? 

Years ago, I bought from Rhinosoft their excellent FTP-Server 'Serv-U'. In the
price  was one year upgrade guaranteed. (you can also choose for a 2-year
upgrade guarantee, you've to pay more of course then). After that period was
over, I had to decide, whether to renew my subscription or not. Of course,
shortly after that, a new version was introduced. So I renewed. I did that till
this very month, every year again. The program became better and better, got
feutures I never used, older bugs disappeared, new bugs came, several old bugs
I had to save money now, so I decided not to renew again and moved to the Open
source FTP-Server FileZilla. It has the same functionality, it misses some
luxury which I don't need at all.

This is just one of many similar examples, the worst might be Microsoft itself
with those many new operation systems over the last ten years. You pay a lot of
money for an extremely buggy OS and you pay again for a next new OS  with a bit
new functionality but with lots of old and new bugs. And that begging and 
for Servicepacks is going around the world every time.
Linux isn't an alternative for me, it needs too many commandline shit for the
things I need. So I'm tied to M$.

My problem with The Bat!.... there isn't an Open Source alternative yet, which 
TB's functionality. IMO it's the best emailclient available at the moment,
nevertheless how  many bugs and wishes there might be (and there are).
Zimbra, Eudora and Mulberry as open source emailclients aren't at the level yet
I wish and need.
I feel tied to TD at the moent, so I renewed my subscription for 4.1.
Maybe next time not anymore. It depends......

Using The Bat Vs. RC1 (BETA) under Vista Ultimate 32 bit

 Current beta is (RC1) | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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