Hello Jens,

>> This is how I include To: addresses in my folder templates, for example 
>> for this list:
>> %IF:'%TOADDR'='':'%TO="tbbeta@thebat.dutaint.com"'
>> Try it and see what happens.
> Yes, this works,

I know it works, that's why I use it :)

> but why do i have to exclude that there is no TO set in a new Mail?

What was happening to you is an example of why, but I'll give another 

Assume this was my new message template for my TBBeta folder:

,----- [  ]
| Hello all,%TO="tbbeta@thebat.dutaint.com"
| %Cursor
| ....

If while reading your message I want to write to you by PM (new message, 
not reply), I would right click on the From field in the headers pane 
and select 'Write a Message to This Address' from context menu. The new 
message window (editor) opens and... what do I have in the To: field?

This: Jens Franik <je...@gmx.de>, tbbeta@thebat.dutaint.com

Why? Because I selected your address and because the folder template 
include the list address. Which is correct because as Thomas wrote to 
you in this same thread, "The %TO macro adds an address to the TO

Now, if my TBBeta folder template is as I have it:

,----- [  ]
| Hello all,%IF:'%TOADDR'='':'%TO="tbbeta@thebat.dutaint.com"'
| ...

When I select your name in the From field and select 'Write a Message to
This Address', I only get 'Jens Franik <je...@gmx.de>' in the To field 
of the new message because the folder template 'sees' that the To field 
is NOT empty and does NOT add the tbbeta address.

This is my way of trying to avoid unintentionally sending PM to a list 
because of folder templates. 

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v4.1.3 on Windows XP 5.1 Service Pack 3

 Current beta is 4.1.3 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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