Hello Roelof,

 On  Thu, 8 Jan 2009 at 16:09:54 [GMT +0100] you wrote:

> Hallo Jens,

JF>> if  i double click on the E-Mail Adresse in Headers, i used to get the
JF>> Adress in the Adressbook.
JF>> Now this fails and the second double click makes it.

> Over here the first double click still does the trick.

Not here, I need to double 'double click' an address to open the

XP related ?

JF>> Same if you want to mark something...

> No idea what you mean with this.

So do I ;)

Regards,             Alain

                     The Bat! 4.1.9
                     Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3

 Current beta is 4.1.9 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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