[Reply to: »Sebastian Murawski« · 2009-01-13 · 09:39 h (CET)]

Moin, Sebastian!

>>> Can we have IMAP fixes now instead of bugfixes for even unreleased
>>> OS? Thanks.

>> No, there will be no IMAP fixes now. IMAP requires serious work,
>> not just fixes, it takes time.

> Can we have IMAP rework/fixes instead new features?

Did I miss an announcement? Who posted any news about upcoming new

Maybe the RITLabs developers by now prefer to only grab the
low-hanging fruits, i.e. bugfixes for 4.1.x, which are easy to solve.

I guess afterwards they will start with 4.2 development, i.e. IMAP
rework. => See <mid:1127313245.20081210161...@ipex.cz> and

In my opinion this procedure is okay as long as we get a reworked IMAP
implementation for 4.2.

If I am wrong, you may correct me. ;-)


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