Hello Marek,

Saturday, February 28, 2009, 10:44:26 PM, you wrote:
>>  Care to point to the exact source of this information?

> Stef wrote this to TBBETA before release of 4.1

>> We've made changes to the message base format in order to improve IMAP
>> in the next release, so it was the first step. As soon as we get this
>> Beta series finished and the new format working without a problem,
>> IMAP will be reworked.

Thanks for finding this. Since this was in the 4.0/4.1-beta times,
this indeed sounds like a statement that Ritlabs is going to improve
IMAP support somewhere in 4.1 series (not later).

The problem is it doesn't say WHAT exactly is going to be fixed (like
whether it's only going to be minor bugs with message counters, or
more major ones with message list not refreshing, or compatibility
improvements with specific servers or implementing "new" IMAP features
like keywords or something really revolutionary that would make TB!
the greatest IMAP client ever).

In short: we have no idea what's going to happen. More specifically,
we also don't know *if* something (other than minor improvements
that we already had in the past) will happen.

Also, some people will treat this "commitment" from Ritlabs' side with
caution; given how IMAP was treated in the past, I'll be one of them.
This means that I am not paying for a new version, until it actually
gets significantly improved and some people confirm it.

> for now, additional changes in the program's core are in progress, there
> should be news soon, but Ritlabs must answer to this, I do not know what
> all changes must be done to introduce it.

Yeah, that'd be great if Ritlabs announced the real scope of work
going on. I fear they won't, however, since it's easier for them not
to make any kind of commitments.

Best regards,
 Robert Tomanek                 mailto:tbb...@mail.robert.tomanek.org

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