I think, there is a bug when you set the "Maximum number/age of 
messages" in a folder. I mean, for me it is a bug, not a WAD, or if it 
is WAD, it has to be changed.

So,  the mail has to be read in order to remove it. If you set 100/100
for  number  and  age,  and  you have e.g. 200 unread messages in that
folder, none of them will be removed. If the mails are read, it works.
For  me,  if  I  specify  100/100,  I  dont  want  the read flag to be
accounted  as a factor in the decision if a mail has to be deleted, or

If it is "WAD", I suggest to have a "Delete unread mails too" checkbox 

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The Bat 4.1.11 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Szervizcsomag 2

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