Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que James en su momento posteó:

JO> Bayesian  filters  need to be fed spam and good email messages and
JO> it  begins  to  learn  the  difference between the two. So, a user
JO> needs  a  way  to  submit  large quantities of both. This could be
JO> implemented  a  number  of  ways..  [...] "learn ham" function, of
JO> course  :)  [...]

The  easy  way:  Today  we  can select a lot of messages and we have a
secondary mouse button, with a lot of options... add two: "it is spam"
and  "it  is  a  good  mail", when a user select a mail (or a group of
mails)  and click (or hot-key) the options you export this to a folder
in a simple text format (whitout attachments please).

When  a  plug'in  starts,  it  can analize the folder, learn about the
patterns,  add  it  to anti-spam plugin database and clean the folder.
(or two folders)

Maybe  you can make a similar function to capture texts from the spam,
the  user  mark  the word (or phrase) secondary-mouse-button, click in
two  options:  it's  a  bad  string, it's good string, and export this
texts  to a simple text file. - for vampire if you put a third option:
"it's  a  suspect string" my work (and the work of vampire users) will
be easier -

Thanks a lot.

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

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