Marck D Pearlstone writes:

Just FYI, no releases of Vampire have done a thing here. Checking the log, it looks like its's trying to scan an empty message body body and always coming up "false". Any suggestions?
yeah, try to search in raw message, the interface to body are not ready in the the bat! side, it's ready in vampire because some day it will stay ready in the bat!

Also, I had a 4mb attachment come through and it completely crashed the system when Vampire tried to scan it (darn - there goes the "no body" theory <g>). Perhaps vampire shouldn't scan beyond the first, say, 50kb. Does anyone get spam as long as 50kb? The biggest I've seen is around 20kb.
yeah, i now it, but i don't know who know the size of the mail :( żany sugestions?


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