
Maybe I'm being more dense than normal today, but I'm having trouble
understanding the AVC_NotSupported return value. Does this imply that
*all* the functions must at least have dummy code that returns a value
of AVC_NotSupported? What is the difference in, for example,
BAV_StreamChecking() returning AVC_Error vs AVC_NotSupported?

My understanding is that I should return AVC_OK if my plugin supports
stream checking. If my plugin does not support stream checking then I
should return AVC_Error. When would I *ever* want to return a value of

Secondly, the Msg argument to BAV_CheckMemory(), BAV_CureMemory(),
BAV_CheckFile(), BAV_CureFile, BAV_CheckStream(), and BAV_CureStream()
is specified as never being allowed to exceed 1024 bytes - why is
this? Not that I would expect to exceed this value, but I'm worried
that there's a buffer in TB itself that would overflow if I passed,
say, 4096 bytes as a result. What happens if the message is malformed,
ie, not null-terminated? Will this cause TB to crash?

The documentation states that for these functions "Usually AV software
returns a distinguished name of the virus of the message." What does
usually mean in this case? What does TB do with the returned string?
If I return a string of "Please reformat your C: drive immediately"
will this be displayed verbatim to the user?

Lastly (at least for now) what is the difference in the BAV_Curexxx
functions between AVC_CantBeCured, AVC_VirusFound, and AVC_Error? If
an object is infected with a virus but could not be cured, which of
these codes should I return? What is the difference in the way TB
processes the result codes?

-Mark Wieder

 Using The Bat! v1.63 Beta/7 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

 BTW - many thanks for the API documentation. I'm looking forward to
 similar documentation for the macro and anti-spam APIs, but this has
 already cleared up some details for me such as the return values and
 the BAV_ComNeeded() function.


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