Today, the Trusted Computing for the Java Platform project[1]
released an update of jTSS, a Trusted Software Stack (TSS)
implemented in 100% Java, and jTpmTools, a command-line tool to
exercise various TPM features.
This update adds a comprehensive set of new commands to allow
manipulation of TPM NV storage. This also allows to setup
the proper policies for Trusted Boot[2], a tool to perform a
measured "late launch" via Intel TXT technology.

The new commands are:

* Non Volatile Storage:
nv_decode:         decode data in non-volatile storage of the TPM
nv_definespace:    define an index and space in TPM NV RAM
nv_lock:           set the global lock for the NV storage - FOREVER!
nv_releasespace:   release a defined index
nv_write:          write data to TPM's NV RAM

* Intel(R) Trusted eXecution Technology (TXT):
txt_policy:        create a TXT Launch Control Policy (LCP)
txt_policyinfo:    show informations about a LCP file

* TBoot:
tboot_pcr18:       calculate value of PCR 18 after trusted boot
tboot_pcr19-22:    calculate values of PCRs above PCR 18 after trusted boot
tboot_policy:      create and modify TBoot Verified Launch Policy (VLP)
tboot_policyinfo:  show informations about a VLP file

This release is EXPERIMENTAL!
You can PERMANENTLY DAMAGE YOUR HARDWARE with this software!

We succeeded in setting up a measured TBoot on a HP dc7900,
solely by using jTpmTools. However, a Intel DQ45CB got fried upon
executing SINIT.
Thus, your experience may vary.... :-)

This release is a little bit rushed as we are hosting the
4th European Trusted Infrastructure Summerschool[3] this year
and things are kinda hectic currently.
If you come to ETISS - say hello!

Thanks to all who contributed to this release!

Have fun,


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