
I try to set up the tboot boot loader on a GM45/PM45 Intel chipset based
Platform and unfortunately got stuck with a SINIT AC module error
(c00038d1). According to the sinit_errors.txt file included in the SINIT
AC module archive this means that the TPM NV AUX and/or PD index is
incorrectly defined. My current knowledge regarding the Intel TXT
technology is little and I just have followed the guide to set up the
Launch Policy and the tboot boot loader and have no idea what goes wrong
with the SINIT AC module.
Please find the tboot log attached.

Stefan Fausser
TBOOT: ******************* TBOOT *******************
TBOOT:    unavailable
TBOOT: *********************************************
TBOOT: command line: logging=serial,vga,memory
TBOOT: TPM is ready
TBOOT: TPM nv_locked: TRUE
TBOOT: read verified launch policy (256 bytes) from TPM NV
TBOOT: policy:
TBOOT:   version: 2
TBOOT:   hash_alg: TB_HALG_SHA1
TBOOT:   policy_control: 00000001 (EXTEND_PCR17)
TBOOT:   num_entries: 2
TBOOT:   policy entry[0]:
TBOOT:           mod_num: 0
TBOOT:           pcr: none
TBOOT:           hash_type: TB_HTYPE_IMAGE
TBOOT:           num_hashes: 5
TBOOT:           hashes[0]: 07 84 2e 8f 2a 9f 3e 7d 6d 66 ca 11 03 2a 73 d5 44 
bf b6 47 
TBOOT:           hashes[1]: 07 84 2e 8f 2a 9f 3e 7d 6d 66 ca 11 03 2a 73 d5 44 
bf b6 47 
TBOOT:           hashes[2]: 07 84 2e 8f 2a 9f 3e 7d 6d 66 ca 11 03 2a 73 d5 44 
bf b6 47 
TBOOT:           hashes[3]: cc 61 2b 02 f5 84 dd 57 52 14 59 ad 54 a4 8c 46 1c 
91 ff 2e 
TBOOT:           hashes[4]: cc 61 2b 02 f5 84 dd 57 52 14 59 ad 54 a4 8c 46 1c 
91 ff 2e 
TBOOT:   policy entry[1]:
TBOOT:           mod_num: 1
TBOOT:           pcr: 19
TBOOT:           hash_type: TB_HTYPE_IMAGE
TBOOT:           num_hashes: 4
TBOOT:           hashes[0]: 38 3e 39 8a 64 a4 a6 57 b5 88 c2 bb b7 f3 a3 35 76 
e5 ca 3f 
TBOOT:           hashes[1]: 38 3e 39 8a 64 a4 a6 57 b5 88 c2 bb b7 f3 a3 35 76 
e5 ca 3f 
TBOOT:           hashes[2]: 38 3e 39 8a 64 a4 a6 57 b5 88 c2 bb b7 f3 a3 35 76 
e5 ca 3f 
TBOOT:           hashes[3]: 38 3e 39 8a 64 a4 a6 57 b5 88 c2 bb b7 f3 a3 35 76 
e5 ca 3f 
TBOOT: CPU is SMX-capable
TBOOT: CPU is VMX-capable
TBOOT: SMX is enabled
TBOOT: TXT chipset and all needed capabilities present
TBOOT: bios_data (@7ca20008, 2c):
TBOOT:   version: 3
TBOOT:   bios_sinit_size: 0x0 (0)
TBOOT:   lcp_pd_base: 0x0
TBOOT:   lcp_pd_size: 0x0 (0)
TBOOT:   num_logical_procs: 2
TBOOT:   flags: 0x00000002
TBOOT: CR0.NE not set
TBOOT: no machine check errors
TBOOT: CPU is ready for SENTER
TBOOT: checking previous errors on the last boot.
        last boot has error.
TBOOT: user-provided SINIT found: /GM45_PM45_SINIT_19.BIN
TBOOT: chipset ids: vendor=8086, device=9000, revision=7f
TBOOT: 1 ACM chipset id entries:
TBOOT:  vendor=8086, device=9000, flags=1, revision=3f, extended=0
TBOOT: copied SINIT (size=67c0) to 7ca00000
TBOOT: AC mod base alignment OK
TBOOT: AC mod size OK
TBOOT: AC module header dump for SINIT:
TBOOT:   length: 0xa1 (161)
TBOOT:   version: 0
TBOOT:   chipset_id: 0x2a40
TBOOT:   flags: 0x0
TBOOT:           pre_production: 0
TBOOT:           debug_signed: 0
TBOOT:   vendor: 0x8086
TBOOT:   date: 0x20081017
TBOOT:   size*4: 0x67c0 (26560)
TBOOT:   code_control: 0x0
TBOOT:   entry point: 0x00000008:00004120
TBOOT:   scratch_size: 0x8f (143)
TBOOT:   info_table:
TBOOT:           uuid: {0x7fc03aaa, 0x46a7, 0x18db, 0xac2e,
                {0x69, 0x8f, 0x8d, 0x41, 0x7f, 0x5a}}
TBOOT:               ACM_UUID_V3
TBOOT:           chipset_acm_type: 0x1 (SINIT)
TBOOT:           version: 3
TBOOT:           length: 0x28 (40)
TBOOT:           chipset_id_list: 0x4e8
TBOOT:           os_sinit_data_ver: 0x4
TBOOT:           min_mle_hdr_ver: 0x00020000
TBOOT:           capabilities: 0x00000002
TBOOT:               rlp_wake_getsec: 0
TBOOT:               rlp_wake_monitor: 1
TBOOT:           acm_ver: 19
TBOOT:   chipset list:
TBOOT:           count: 1
TBOOT:           entry 0:
TBOOT:               flags: 0x1
TBOOT:               vendor_id: 0x8086
TBOOT:               device_id: 0x9000
TBOOT:               revision_id: 0x3f
TBOOT:               extended_id: 0x0
TBOOT: file addresses:
TBOOT:   &_start=00803000
TBOOT:   &_end=0084ec4c
TBOOT:   &_mle_start=00803000
TBOOT:   &_mle_end=00821000
TBOOT:   &_post_launch_entry=00803020
TBOOT:   &_txt_wakeup=008031f0
TBOOT:   &g_mle_hdr=00818920
TBOOT: MLE header:
TBOOT:   uuid={0x9082ac5a, 0x476f, 0x74a7, 0x5c0f,
                {0x55, 0xa2, 0xcb, 0x51, 0xb6, 0x42}}
TBOOT:   length=34
TBOOT:   version=00020001
TBOOT:   entry_point=00000020
TBOOT:   first_valid_page=00000000
TBOOT:   mle_start_off=0
TBOOT:   mle_end_off=1e000
TBOOT:   capabilities: 0x00000003
TBOOT:       rlp_wake_getsec: 1
TBOOT:       rlp_wake_monitor: 1
TBOOT: MLE start=803000, end=821000, size=1e000
TBOOT: ptab_size=3000, ptab_base=00800000
TBOOT: bios_data (@7ca20008, 2c):
TBOOT:   version: 3
TBOOT:   bios_sinit_size: 0x0 (0)
TBOOT:   lcp_pd_base: 0x0
TBOOT:   lcp_pd_size: 0x0 (0)
TBOOT:   num_logical_procs: 2
TBOOT:   flags: 0x00000002
TBOOT: min_lo_ram: 0x0, max_lo_ram: 0x7c780000
TBOOT: min_hi_ram: 0x0, max_hi_ram: 0x0
TBOOT: no LCP manifest found
TBOOT: os_sinit_data (@7ca20154, 5c):
TBOOT:   version: 4
TBOOT:   mle_ptab: 0x800000
TBOOT:   mle_size: 0x1e000 (122880)
TBOOT:   mle_hdr_base: 0x15920
TBOOT:   vtd_pmr_lo_base: 0x0
TBOOT:   vtd_pmr_lo_size: 0x7c600000
TBOOT:   vtd_pmr_hi_base: 0x0
TBOOT:   vtd_pmr_hi_size: 0x0
TBOOT:   lcp_po_base: 0x0
TBOOT:   lcp_po_size: 0x0 (0)
TBOOT:   capabilities: 0x00000002
TBOOT:       rlp_wake_getsec: 0
TBOOT:       rlp_wake_monitor: 1
TBOOT: setting MTRRs for acmod: base=7ca00000, size=67c0, num_pages=7
TBOOT: executing GETSEC[SENTER]...
TBOOT: ******************* TBOOT *******************
TBOOT:    unavailable
TBOOT: *********************************************
TBOOT: command line: logging=serial,vga,memory
TBOOT: TPM is ready
TBOOT: TPM nv_locked: TRUE
TBOOT: read verified launch policy (256 bytes) from TPM NV
TBOOT: policy:
TBOOT:   version: 2
TBOOT:   hash_alg: TB_HALG_SHA1
TBOOT:   policy_control: 00000001 (EXTEND_PCR17)
TBOOT:   num_entries: 2
TBOOT:   policy entry[0]:
TBOOT:           mod_num: 0
TBOOT:           pcr: none
TBOOT:           hash_type: TB_HTYPE_IMAGE
TBOOT:           num_hashes: 5
TBOOT:           hashes[0]: 07 84 2e 8f 2a 9f 3e 7d 6d 66 ca 11 03 2a 73 d5 44 
bf b6 47 
TBOOT:           hashes[1]: 07 84 2e 8f 2a 9f 3e 7d 6d 66 ca 11 03 2a 73 d5 44 
bf b6 47 
TBOOT:           hashes[2]: 07 84 2e 8f 2a 9f 3e 7d 6d 66 ca 11 03 2a 73 d5 44 
bf b6 47 
TBOOT:           hashes[3]: cc 61 2b 02 f5 84 dd 57 52 14 59 ad 54 a4 8c 46 1c 
91 ff 2e 
TBOOT:           hashes[4]: cc 61 2b 02 f5 84 dd 57 52 14 59 ad 54 a4 8c 46 1c 
91 ff 2e 
TBOOT:   policy entry[1]:
TBOOT:           mod_num: 1
TBOOT:           pcr: 19
TBOOT:           hash_type: TB_HTYPE_IMAGE
TBOOT:           num_hashes: 4
TBOOT:           hashes[0]: 38 3e 39 8a 64 a4 a6 57 b5 88 c2 bb b7 f3 a3 35 76 
e5 ca 3f 
TBOOT:           hashes[1]: 38 3e 39 8a 64 a4 a6 57 b5 88 c2 bb b7 f3 a3 35 76 
e5 ca 3f 
TBOOT:           hashes[2]: 38 3e 39 8a 64 a4 a6 57 b5 88 c2 bb b7 f3 a3 35 76 
e5 ca 3f 
TBOOT:           hashes[3]: 38 3e 39 8a 64 a4 a6 57 b5 88 c2 bb b7 f3 a3 35 76 
e5 ca 3f 
TBOOT: CPU is SMX-capable
TBOOT: CPU is VMX-capable
TBOOT: SMX is enabled
TBOOT: TXT chipset and all needed capabilities present
TBOOT: AC module error : acm_type=1, progress=0d, error=e
TBOOT: TXT_RESET.STS is set and SENTER is disabled (0x01)
TBOOT: SMX not supported.
TBOOT: Error: ELF magic number is not matched.
TBOOT: assuming kernel is Linux format
TBOOT: Initrd from 0x7c0da000 to 0x7c77f800
TBOOT: Kernel (protected mode) from 0xc00000 to 0xf18950
TBOOT: Kernel (real mode) from 0x90000 to 0x93800
TBOOT: transfering control to kernel @0x00c00000...
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