I think I've ask this before without resolve, but I thought I'd serve
it back over the net to see if anyone has any revelations that might
help out:

In using the macro %CCList in a template the result is in a format
such as this -

Cherie Rotas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; David Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;

There are two things I would like to change about this.  First, is
there anyway to reformat the output into a list style as:

Cherie Rotas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Also, most times I don't need the address included, just a name would
do well.  I would think a Regex could be used to remove any text
between <>, but I'm a Regex idiot so I may be talking out my bum.

As is, if the CC list is rather extensive, as mine can be with
sometimes up to 10-12 names, the resulting mess is not very business
like at the end of a message. At least to my eyes! ;-)

Does anyone have any ideas on how to accomplish both or either of
these tasks?

TIA for any help or hints.

   (,_    ,_,    _,) ò¸ó Nick
   /|\`-._( )_.-'/|\  Danger
  / | \`'-/ \-'`/ | \
 /  |_.'-.\ /.-'._|  \  [MUA: TB! 1.52]
/_.-'      "      `-._\ [OS: Win98 4.10 1998]
"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." - Albert Einstein

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