Greetings Allie,

<Allie C Martin> wrote on Fri, 5 Oct 2001, at 07:03:11 [GMT -0500]:
MF>> Can you help me?

> I'm afraid not. This is a known limitation of the macro which with
> it's present functionality cannot reflow entire posts, but only single
> paragraphs or sentences.

Thanks  for  your answer. Is there a chance that this will be fixed in
the  future?  Of  course, single paragraphs should stay single wrapped
paragraphs.  Would  be  ugly  if  several  single paragraphes would be
wrapped  into  one.  I guess this is the reason why the %wrapped macro
only works on the first paragraph, or?

Best regards,

Matthias Frost                             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         • TB! 1.53t [85790CB6] • 05.10.2001 • 15:00 •

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