Hello Januk and Allie,

First of all, thanks a lot for your great help. Hope I haven't been
too much of a pain in the ... bottom...

I'll snif on the Net to find more about Regular Expressions and get to
work with it... If you have a couple of good sites to recommand, feel
free to do so :-)

Once more, thanks a lot to both of you.


On 05/10/2001, at 06:02, you wrote about almost working...:

JA> I've been trying to get a working macro too, and this one is a tough
JA> one.  I think the hard part is that everything is variable, so there
JA> are some weird interactions.  The subject could be any one of the
JA> following:

JA> (subject)
JA> [Flamer]: (subject)
JA> [Flamer]: Re: (subject)
JA> Re: [Flamer]: (subject)
JA> Re: [Flamer]: Re: (subject)

JA> I think that's all of them, except for mutations where "fwd" replaces
JA> "re".  However, those are all of the same form.  This is what I've
JA> gotten, and it seems to work:

It does work actually... Well... It didn't at first, but I found out
that it was because you wrote "flamer" in English indstead of in
Danish (flammer)... You'll have to work on you Danish :-)

Anyway... It works just fine... :-)

Now... if I want to adapt it to the "&%¤"¤ Outlook Express, where it
writes an 'SV:' in front instead of the 'RE:' Can I just replace the
Re in the expression with Sv?

Does case of characters matter? I mean: Is there a difference between
SV or Sv ?

May I ask two questions?

Well... I do anyway :-)

1. What does the Fwd in the expression means? Does it mean that it
should work if people Forward something and there is Fwd instead of Re
it'll work too?

2. Do you guy ever sleep?



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