Hello Januk. Thanks for your interest.

At 3:19 PM on Tuesday, November 27, 2001 you wrote the
following on the posted subject 'RegExp Help Needed':

JR>>   Is there a way to construct a RegExp that does the
JR>>   following:

JR>>   Text = nothing (blank)
JR>>   html = nothing (blank)
JR>>   Re: = Re: (without info)
JR>>   Attachment = present

Januk> Perhaps I'm being dense, but I don't understand what
Januk> you're trying to do here. Could you elaborate please?

  Januk dense? What a quaint idea. :-)

  There is a virus going around.. I rcv 10-15 msgs a day
  where there is no text msg, nor is there an html msg.
  The subject is "Re:". There are attachments, however.

  In the msg info that can be derived via F9, there is
  content information that might be filtered out except for
  the fact that TB! filter doesn't look @ this area so I'm
  trying to find something else.

  If I had a regexp or some other way of identifying these
  msgs, I would do a select download as I have a cable

  I hope that creates a clearer picture of what I'm talking

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA
TB! V1.54/10/W2K_SP2/PGP Key ID: 0x3F14A060
ICQ 41116329

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