Hello Graham!

On Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 2:51:11 PM you wrote:

> Is it just a phase I'll grow out of?

You'll grow out of it. Somewhere all of us want something more fancy,
coloured, flashy - especially with the written word. We think nobody
is taking notice of what we write, we may even be critical if we can
get across our message with nothing more than our humble stylistic

Advertisements add to this confusion, relying heavily on pictures,
flashes, even audio and video. But advertising agencies around the
world - even in Germany - begin to realize that the message,
particularly if it should be lasting, is in the text, not in being
loud and psychedelically loaded.

You won't need to see a picture of "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" as
the message is much more in the lyrics and what you see in your mind.

Hope that helps. Notice that I haven't used any of these visually
techniques usually used in e-mails - like smileys, asterisks or

Dierk Haasis

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