* Jan Rifkinson
>> Some mailing lists offer a digest that is actually a collection of
>> each mail attached.

> Would that be a mime digest?

MIME or UUencode, I don't know - may depend on the list server. The
mails were attached as files , but not "clickable" because they had no
extension (.txt for example).

>> The Bat! offers you the possibility to manually set a header field
>> "Follow-up to" with the message-ID of the email you're responding
>> to (while it's true name is "In-Reply-To").

Well in fact, I think it's the "references"...

>> Unfortunately the tbtech digest is a "true" digest that doesn't
>> show the message-ID of each mail so there is no way to reply to a
>> mail individually without breaking the thread.

> So this is sort of a catch-22. [although you can do it, you can't do
> it]

Well, it's a little bit more complicated: TB! allows you to thread by
subject, From, To or references - so if you reply to the digest those
who thread by From, To or Subject will not be affected, only those who
thread by references. Unfortunately threading by references is the
usual way because it is the one that makes the most sense.

>> So digest means: read and post only, no reply.

> This is a shame I think.

> When I first started using TB!, I wanted individual emails as I
> learned from reading others questions & answers as well as asking &
> getting answers to my own questions.

> But now I find so much repetition like complaining about the weird
> TB! editor, TB's lack of html & endless threads on subjects like
> TB's menu structure, the inconvenience of the menu navigator button
> & other options, sometimes even before they've been fully explored.

> For me this is boring because it seems to come from people who like
> to hear themselves talk but don't have that much to offer. But they
> have that right on this beginner's list, a right that I respect.

Are you referring to the beginner's list or are you stating that those
who want to discuss this should turn to the beginner's list?

> I thought the digest would limit my exposure to useless msgs [to me]
> while still allowing me the priviledge of helping whenever I was
> qualified to do so.

In digest mode it's easier to skip those mails, but they're still in
the mail.

> Now I find out I can't do that w/o disrupting threads which would
> screw everyone else up so I don't want to do that. So I'm frustrated
> & will have to consider another approach.

Including the message-ID in digest mode would solve the problem.

>> By the way: digest mode seems to be broken; I subscribed but did
>> not get a single digest for about a month. I tried to resubscribe
>> but that list server replied with "already subscribed". So I
>> unsubscribed and resubscribed: same as before - no digest.

> That wasn't my expeience [up to his point]. I found an automated
> link which I used & the next day I got a digest.
> [...]

Well, I might try it again these days.

BTW: I think this is becoming offtopic in tbtech...


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