Hello TheBat! Tech List,

 i want to do following:

 1. Incoming mails are sorted into diferent folders. Works fine!
 2. The email adresses of this sorted emails were entered automaticly in
 a special adressbook. Works fine!
 3. But now! I want, if the adress is NEW that TB automaticly creats
 an email to this new sender.... If i do it with "Adress hasnt to be
 in the adressbook", even the first filter which sorts the email into
 the special folder doesnt work if the email is in the adress book. I
 want that each eamil is filtered into the special folder but only for
 new senders created a responding email.


- --
Buenos Aires | Argentinien
Mailer: TheBat! 1.60c | OS: Windows 98 4.10 Build 2222 A
PGP Version: PGP 6.5.8 | Key ID: 0x8D257365
ICQ# 121117424 (Hardly ever there)

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