Dominik Flejter [DF], on Tuesday, April 2, 2002 at 11:43 (+0200)
contributed this to our collective wisdom:

DF> 3. Click on the 'template' button and write there:
DF> %SETPATTREGEXP="=(?ism)(English\s\-\s)(.*?)(\n)"%-
here is little mistake, it works with:

but I found another problem. That message is HTML message, when I
export it to UNIX format it seems like this:


German - eigentlich wei=DF man nur, wenn man wenig wei=DF, mit dem Wissen=20
w=E4chst der Zweifel
English - we know accurately only when we know little; with knowledge,=20
doubt increases
Italian - in realt=E0 si sa solo quando si sa poco. Col sapere aumenta il=
Spanish - en realidad se sabe s=F3lo cuando se sabe poco. Con el saber=20
aumentan las dudas
French - en v=E9rit=E9, on ne sait vraiment que quand on sait peu; le savoir=

so, when I run this filter I get only one incomplete line:
"we know accurately only when we know little; with knowledge, "

...and yes, I miss "doubt Increases"
I don't think exists some solution for this, but interesting is, that
line must end with some character, and thats new line. Wait, I will
try to modify your macro :) Here it is:


or maybe it should work better:

Ok, but here we go, we have another problem, I want use this quotes in
my sign, so I need, that thay should be oneliners. With this macro I
should get 2 and more lines (depends on the length of course). So I
need _remove_ all \n and double spaces so, how to do it ?

...thanks :)


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