Hello Norbert,

On Thursday, April 11, 2002 at 4:15:14 PM you wrote in
[EMAIL PROTECTED]">mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (at least in part):

NL> [how] can I add arbitrary header lines into a mail? is there a macro
NL> or menu function? (I did not find anything in the help except Leif's
NL> article on maintaining mailing lists ...)

You can't w/ build-in functions.
You can only export the written and 'ready to send' mail and insert the
header manually.

BTW: this ain't a question for 'TBTECH', you can request this type of
information much better on TBUDL

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with a bigger basis of members.

This list is used for deeper technical discussions w/o public interest for
_every_ TB! user. The results nevertheless normally are ending up in TBUDL
again *g*
Peter Palmreuther                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(The Bat! v1.60c on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2)

Happiness is Earth in your rear view mirror.

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