
NL>> 2 why is TBTECH not using the appropriate headers to support this menu
> We're all technician enough to post to the list and contact the owner :-)

ACK :-) though I tend to say a TB list should nevertheless support
this TB feature and leave the decision which way to go to the user ...

> at least here you should insert a signature delimiter so answers will be
> automatically trimmed without the message footer :-)

hm - I think the addition from the list-bot should come with a
delimiter... so if s.o. sends a mail without a signature (as I did)
the list foot becomes a .sig

[sent without a .sig? yes, personally I do not agree with the standard
templates which put the "kind regards" into the .sig - IMHO
semantically this is still message text, .sig starts with contact
details (don't shoot, I changed my TBTECH template ;-) ]

NL>> 1 which templates is '/post message' using?
> AB, folder, account ... depends on which in this chain meets first.

*silly me* - I thought I did not have a template like that TB used
when I tried... but the error was in front of the keyboard: I used
a special account for mailing lists and forgot to change the
templates... (though this could not happen if I were able to change
the _general_ template of TB once and forever...)

[so _that_ question had indeed been a question for TBUDL - Sorry ;-]

kind regards, Shalom
using TB 1.60c

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