Hello all !

I've started to learn regexps by breaking them into logical
part.  Could you please review whether my understanding of
the "fix subject" regexp below is correct.

Thank you

Sergey Kotov

Original regexp:

"Structured" regexp:

(?i)    #This is just "ignore case" option

\A     #This is just beginning of the line, why not "^" ???
\:?    #What is this ???
\s*    #This is whitespace

(reply|subject|re|ha|rcpt|fwd|fw)    #These are actual search strings

(\[\d{1,3}\])     #These are any digits in square brackets

?:    #What is this ???

\s*    #This is white space again

|    #This is "or", but what does it relate to: "?:" | "\["
or some bigger portions of the expression ???

\[.*?\])    #Does this mean anything within square brackets
???  What is the purporse of specifying the actual search
strings above ?

*\s*(.*?)     #These are strange and look almost the same:
white space followed by any character - why not just the
second portion ???

\Z""     #This is just the end of line


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