Using BAT v.1.60 on Windows2K

Have used The Bat for a mailing list for some time now, but now we 
require to send attachments to each other via the list.

In 'sorting rules' for 'postings' I have 'create a message for <the 
list>' ticked and then a template which looks like this (disguised in 


This message came from %OFROMNAME <%OFROMADDR>
Via the xxx xxxxx Members Mailing List


%TO="xxxx Members <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
%ReplyTo="xxxx Members <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
%BCC="xxx xxxx Members <list>"

This has worked fine for a couple of years but I can't get it to work to 
included attachments.

I have included %ATTACHMENTS on the next line under %TEXT, but the 
outgoing message just has <none> after the text.

Can any-one help me with what I should do (in simple language please, as 
I'm not a tech expert)

David Floyd
| David Floyd               |        |
| Bath & Wells Ringers Web  |   |

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