
On Mon, 6 May 2002, at 04:03:13 [GMT -0700] (which was 4:33 PM where I live) you

JA> It is a bit of a kludge, but you could try:

JA> This assumes that you have the box quoting recursive template bq2, and
JA> that you are using "|" as the prefix.  Hope that helps.


However it requires some tweaking.

This does not seem to work on new mails. I copy a part of the text and created a
new message and typed 'para_bq' with no result.

When  one  replies  to  a  mail and uses it then the whole text (of the original
mail) is boxed exactly as one wants, but not the clipboard text.

If one replies to the mail using select text and F4, then only the first para of
the clipboard text is boxed...

Thanks for the attempt anyway..

Warm regards,


Replied on Monday, May 6, 2002 using TB Ver 1.60c on Windows 2000

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