Hello Batters,

I recently upgraded Desktop PC to XP and wanted to set up a structure
with different useres (ie not running the same admin-user all the
time). For that I created two users (lets say private and business),
who both use The Bat. Since they are both me :-) I want to share the
hole accounts and folders.

No problem here so far. But: I can _switch_ users, so that I don't log
off the first one and log in with the second one. Would that mean that
there are 2 instances of the bat running when I do so, or can both
useres "share" the programm? And if there are 2, can I safely use the
same message base then? Or do I have to use the Networking-Setup from
the Bat?

Any help, tips, suggestions welcome. TIA,

CaLViN                             mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Using The Bat! 1.60
 under Windows 2000 5.0
 Service Pack 2 Build 2195 .

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