Dear Peter,

Going back 08:41 27.05.2002...

> Seems CRAM-MD5 capabilities of your server are not entirely.

I tested when MD5 was disabled on the server.

> The Bat! uses always CRAM-MD5 when connecting to this server as it is
> announced in EHLO-greeting. The Bat! refuses to use 'lower secure'
> authentication method(s) if server announces to be capable of a
> 'higher one'.

TheBat should have used either PLAIN or LOGIN as these where the only
ones announced at the time of my test!

> Nevertheless: I've tried AUTH PLAIN manually ....

> "... DEFER: MYSQL connection failed: Can't connect to local MySQL
> server through socket ..." (cut system related off :-))

*g* Okay, the $&&§$% SQL stuff gone again, I fixed it. Nevertheless,
it still doesnt work. Mind trying again?

> Maybe your CRAM-MD5 also fails behind the scenes and just does not
> propagate the MySQL-error to the front?! The message I get when
> CRAM-MD5-authenticating is the very same you have in your server logs.

No, MD5 is fixed pwd, we needed at least one fallback :)

 Johannes                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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