Dear Peter,

Hey, cool, I too have strange problems with TB and SSL POP3.

Here's whats going on. Thebat tells me:

 01.06.2002, 17:38:28: FETCH - receiving mail messages
 01.06.2002, 17:38:28: FETCH - Initiating TLS handshake
 01.06.2002, 17:38:28: FETCH - connection finished - 0 messages received

But at this time, there were 13 messages in the box. If I disable
POP3-SSL support, then I can fetch them. This is what the server tells

Jun  1 17:38:52 gci stunnel[15048]: localhost.pop3 connected from
Jun  1 17:38:52 gci stunnel[15048]: SSL_accept: error:14094419:SSL 
routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:tlsv1 alert access denied

Yes, I'm using Stunnel together with QMail-POP3d. What bugs me is that
on the same machine, it works with Outlook Express, and that this is a
real certificate (Thawte), not a self generated...

Any clues? Drop me a note if you want a POP box to try it out...

 Johannes                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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