Hello Marck, on 2/Jul/2002 you wrote:

JK>> TBTECH          Sender          Yes
JK>> which seems to work fine.

MDP> Why? It shouldn't. Mail from the TBtech list arrives addressed *from*
MDP> the sender and *to* the list address. The filter is described
MDP> correctly.

Urm well it does seem to work correctly as that is what I am using
right now though I do recognise your point.

MDP> You seem to be sending copies of all list mail to the list-owner
MDP> address too.

Yes, I sent a follow-up e-mail apologising for that. I meant only to
send that mail to the list owner not the list.

MDP> In fact, the best filter is:
MDP> Reply-To: TBTECH    Kludges    Yes
MDP> Which correctly filters cross-posted messages to the right place.

This didn't work for the initial "Welcome" message which is why I did
it the other way (that and the information in that message). I have my
TBUDL filter set the way you suggest.

In any case, hopefully the list owner will update the welcome message
to save confusion.

(Using The Bat! v1.60q on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 )
Julian Knight, 
|Home Page: http://www.knightnet.org.uk/                             |
|Location : Sheffield, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom.              |
|Occupation: Security, Directory, Messaging, Network & PC Consultant |

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