ON Tuesday, November 12, 2002, 3:27:01 PM, you wrote:

L>  Good afternoon Gerard,
L> It was foretold that on 11-11-2002 @ 20:29:47 GMT+0100 (which was
L> 20:29:47 where I live) Gerard would mumble:
L> <snipped a bit>
G>> Here are the almost original non working filters:
G>> Remark: Test is place before new test. Both are incoming mail filters.
L> Here's another try:

L> I tested the above filters and this is what they do:

L> first  filter:  subject = test ----> flags the message and keeps it in
L> the inbox

Yep, does that here to.

L> second filter: subject is _not_ test but "hallo" in body ----> message
L> in  inbox,  copy  to  folder reply and marked as read in folder reply.
L> Inbox: unflagged.

Well, just hallo in the body will create the copy. Wether it is flagged
or not

L> What happens if subject = test _and_ "hallo" in body:

L>  the  message  gets  flagged  in  the  inbox.  Copied to folder reply,
L>  flagged in folder reply and marked as read.

L>  I'm not sure if the last situation is something you want (i lost some
L>  of your mails) but let me know.

I only want the copy in the Inbox marked as read.

Do the work on your machine Luc?

Best regards,
I think; therefore I am. -Rene Descartes-

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