Many, many months ago I inquired about getting some Ebay info from a
message and reformatting it in a post. Well, I've finally come to
using some of the suggestions and there was one that looked very
promising but I'm having trouble getting it to work right.

===[QT: item_list]===

===[QT: item]===

It's supposed to take something formatted like:

Item:  Bicycle
Price:     $50.00

Item: Recorder
Price:  $20.00

and let you do something like:

For Sale: Bicycle currently price at $50.00

For Sale: Recorder currently price at $20.00


And do it for however many items are listed in the post.  But I can't
get the above to do anything for me.

Could someone verify if it can do this type of thing, and if so, how I
need to format the template(s)?

Thanks for any help.

ò.ó Nick

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