> HTML Editor will be in V2, in next V1 will be possible to use Windows
> editor with proportional fonts and there should be plugin interface for 
> another editor too.

And will V.2 be able to launch a URL 'handler' of one's choice with
say, 'one click'? I mean there are a lot of 'email clients' that are
not in the same league with the bat that don't have this problem..or
at least my problem of always getting an error message when trying
to launch a URL from a TB window.

I've done the bug report thing but just can't figure why this should
be a problem on 'my' machine.

Otherwise, I think the bat's text editor is the best and as spell
checkers go, better than "Word perfect".


1.62Beta/17 personal edition
running on win98se with all the updates etc.

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

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