Hello Steve,

On Sunday, February 23, 2003 at 09:00 GMT +0000, aliens probed Steve
Hill [SH] and found:

SH> I subscribe to a lot of Yahoo! groups which prefix their subjects with
SH> [Group title]. Obviously I use this prefix as one of the criteria for
SH> sorting the emails into their respective folders.

You could also sort on the headers.  From the limited Yahoo Groups
lists I'm on, they seem to have a header, "X-Apparently-To:", that you
could use.

SH> Is there some way, using RegEx, that subsequent to moving to the
SH> folder, I can rename the subject trimming the prefix (which includes a
SH> trailing space after the ] ).

Not internally with TB.  The Bat does not allow for editing of
received messages*.  You could do it with an external script run from
your filters, but this method gets annoying to update when you change
your folder hierarchy in TB or in Windows.  Plus it requires knowledge
of some scripting/programming language.

If you do decide to write a script, you'd have to have a filter which
runs the script, passing it a copy of the message.  This filter should
also delete the original, or move it to a temp folder.  The script
itself can alter the message any way you please, but then it should
run TB with the /Import command-line option.  I'll let you figure out
the exact switches since they are well documented in the help file.

* That's not strictly true.  You can drag them to the outbox and edit
  them manually there, but this method destroys some header field values
  (ie date/time)

SH> Also, would doing this affect any replies I made to these groups.

I doubt it.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

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