On Thu 29-May-03 12:13pm-0400, Gwyn Evans wrote:

> Has anyone used the "Add_Reference" from the above
> <http://www.silverstones.com/thebat/Library.html#rethread+messages>
> as whenever I try, the reference doesn't get added to the edited
> message.

> Is there anyone who's be able to comment on the above, or suggest
> how I should best try & edit the above?

Let me write my interpretation of that in pseudo C:

    If there's no References: line
        If there's no In-Reply-To: line
            No changes
            Remove the In-Reply-To: line
        Remove the References: line

This says that if there's neither a References: nor In-Reply-To: line,
change nothing.

If there's no References: line, but there's an In-Reply-To: line,
remove the In-Reply-To: line.

If there is a References: line, remove only it.  Any In-Reply-To: line
stays put as do any references that had followed the References: line.

So if the following sequence was encountered:

    In-Reply-To: <Ref-A>
    References: <Ref-C>

That block would be changed to:

    In-Reply-To: <Ref-A>

I don't see where it adds the reference from the clip board and I
don't think that what it does makes sense.

{Since this question also appears in the TBUDL list, I've also
replied there]

Best regards,

"Religionists claim that their truth is absolute and rock solid, while
 scientists concede that their truth is tentative and relative."
         [C. W. Dalton, "The Right Brain and Religion"]



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