Hi Wilfried,

@16-Jun-2003, 17:20 +0200 (16:20 UK time) Wilfried Mestdagh [WM] in

MDP>> Carsten Thonges has published a version of this macro on this
MDP>> list that only re-wraps long lines. It would retain such
MDP>> formatting.

WM> I _think_ I have find it in archive. [ msg01200.html : Boxquotes
WM> ]. But it seems many changes where there. Can you or someone
WM> else specify wich one to use ?

That's a "Box Quotes" macro and doesn't do what you're looking for.
The template I was thinking of is this:

====[QT ct_quotes]====
%REM=' ct_quotes - another %QUOTES macro replacement
                   wraps only "long" lines
                   written by Carsten Thoenges, August 2002
%-%-%-%REM=_80 characters or more?_%-
%-%-%-%REM=_Wrap this long line_%-
%-%-%-%REM=_No need to wrap_%-

This will wrap long lines, but only long lines. It doesn't deal with
short lines at all so a paragraph of long-ish lines will end up
"limping" (a full length line followed by a short line followed by a
full length line followed by a short line ... etc.).

Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v1.63 Beta/11 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1


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