Hey there, Bill McCarthy

>> If there's a capital letter in the start of a new-line,
>> then insert a new line.

B> Let's add that the prior line end with a '.' or '?' followed by
B> optional white space.

...and a '!'. But won't that make confusions with smiles? :)

B> Here's a starting point (a mod of Januk's work):
B> ----8<--- start w2 -----
B> ----8<---- start w2sub -----

That QT seems to give out only the first line of the text.
And when the  %SubPatt="3" is replaced by %SubPatt="2", the
QT gives out every sentence with 2 enters between them. :)
Quite strange.
But that should be easy to fix, we're almost there. :)

Here is the w2sub QT a little cleaned up, but still
working improperly:
•>>——————————————<   w2sub QT  >———————————————<<•


Any ideas?




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