On Tue 24-Jun-03 4:08pm -0400, David Elliott wrote:

> I have a subject line which I want to remove part of it when replying to it.
> I do want to keep all the Re: Fwd: etc. The part that I want to remove is
> always the same.
> Could some one help me and give me an explanation at the same time so that i
> don't have to ask a simple question again.

To reply with

    Re: Whatever

where Whatever is the original subject.  AND to eliminate the first
instance of Part_Of_It from Whatever:

%Subject="Re: %SetPattRegExp='(?i)(?:(.*?)Part_Of_It|(.*))(.*)'%-

Adding a few comments to this:

%Subject="Re: %-
%SetPattRegExp='(?ix)       # CaseLess & Extended PCRE
(?:                         # Non-capturing group
   (.*?)                    # Stuff before Part_Of_It
   Part_Of_It               # What you want to exclude
   (.*)                     # Subjects w/o Part_Of_It
(.*)                        # Stuff after Part_Of_It

If Part_Of_It is present, the answer will be in '1' and '3' with '2'
empty.  If it's not present, the answer is in '2' with '1' and '3'

NB: If you use the second version, you must enter hard spaces in
Part_Of_It with, say, \x20.

Best regards,



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